PrivadoVPN Support
Here for you any time, any where.
How Can We Help You Today?

Knowledge Base
The fastest way to fix many problems is to check if we already have a detailed explanation of the problem and solution in our Knowledge Base.
Check the Knowledge Base
Contact Support
Reach out to our customer service representatives any time, day or night.
Contact Support
Installation Guides
Follow our step-by-step guides to get the appropriate app or manually install PrivadoVPN.
Get InstructionsContact Support
If you're having trouble with your PrivadoVPN service or app, it takes only a few seconds to reach out to our support team. They will respond to you as quickly as possible any time, day or night, 365 days a year.
Simply describe your issue, including screenshots if possible, and you should receive a response soon thereafter. Our representatives are highly trained and know the ins and outs of PrivadoVPN like nobody else on the planet.
Remember: the more details you provide, the more relevant response our team will be able to provide you. Our goal is to get you protected as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Contact Support Team
Knowledge Guides
At PrivadoVPN we've seen it all. And made sure to write it all down.
Our extensive Knowledge Base and blog have countless articles about VPNs in general and PrivadoVPN specifically, from detailed how-to guides to simple articles that will help you understand more about your privacy and how best to protect it in an increasingly connected world.
When you open our Knowledge Base, you can search for articles based on questions or keywords, take a look at our centralized FAQ, or browse by category. You can also look at the Knowledge Guides and How-To categories of our blog for the latest updates on the world of online privacy and virtual private networks.
Visit Knowledge Base